(For details: Click on the picture to enlarge and use the mouse-over function)
“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.”
Susan Heller
Yes, everything you can see on the pictures fits into the backpacks. When fully packed my backpack weighs around 20 kg, Martina’s reaches nearly 16 kg. The difference is mainly due to the tent, the water conditioning pump and the cooking stove with its supplies which Martina’s nail polishes don’t quite compensate…
Especially in Canada, Alaska and South-America we are planning to use our outdoor equipment and explore nature so it should be interesting to see what parts of the equipment we will be using an what not.
For completeness: My equipment still includes an “analog” compass (Recta DP 6G) as well as a pair of sun glasses which are not visible on the picture.
Apart from the equipment, one of the most important preparations is a health insurance covering all countries for the entire duration of our trip. We chose the “travel insurance with additional benefits” from STA travel which seems to cover all our needs at a reasonable rate. Let’s hope we will not need to make use of it!
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Lieber Andy, liebe Tini
Ich wünsche Euch einen guten Start und
viel Spass auf Eurem Trip rund um den Globus !
Beste Grüsse aus Zürich,
Awesome blog! Looking forward to travel with you by following you here. Take care!
Enjoy your journey round the world!
Wish you a great experience starting from Canada!
Wow, sehr beeindruckend! Am besten finde ich den Nagellack, am lustigsten die Bärenpfeife und am interessantesten die fehlenden Verhütungsmittel 🙂 Oder sind das die kleinen weissen Pillen bei Andy?