Growing a beard requires commitment and can be a test of character as well as a surprising process of self-discovery (at least according to the “All About Beards website”). Never having grown a serious beard before, Andy decided to grow one during our trip.
During the past 6 months there were many comments about Andy’s beard, not only from Tini. The most extreme and funny comments compared Andy to a “home grown terrorist”, a “homeless guy”, “Jesus” (?) and a “Sailor”.
Few people seemed to not particularly like the beard, the majority seemed rather fond of it. However after nearly 6 months it was either time for serious beard trimming, or cutting it down entirely. The upcoming trekking tours with a lot of sunscreen and dust and only few possibilities to wash also suggested it might now be the time to take the beard off.
BUT, not without documenting the different steps of beard-removal 🙂
The Copstash Standard, or simple Mustache:
And once again beardless, feeling somewhat naked:
Sorry Timmy, if you’re disappointed. Perhaps Andy’s beard time will still come, but not just right now…
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! But I know that feeling .. and nothing can deface a good-looking person.
That’s almost too much flattering 😉
I am sorry to break it to you Andreas, but that beard of yours was never “serious”… My fave is your Fu-Manchu, but I am disappointed you did not think of the “porno-stache”, you know, the one where you keep a little triangle under the lower lip? I do not know why it has that name anyway… 😀
Oh, I am sorry: upon further checking, the porn-stache is one like Freddie Mercury sported… My bad.
Take if from an older woman, “I much prefer your naked face!”
Aunt Judie